The little Wedding that could...

The Treasure Coast was certainly spared of Hurricane Matthew’s full catastrophic potential. Specifically in Vero Beach we experienced your typical big storm damage: trees down, debris all over the place and power outages throughout the city. A category 3 Hurricane is certainly no joke, so can you imagine having planned your wedding for months only to realize your dream wedding may not even happen?
That’s exactly what happened to Manny & Nayelis, a wonderful couple from Miami who had been planning their beachside nuptials for many months. The night before the wedding, the hotel had absolutely no power or running water. Manny and Nayelis had rented out ever room in the hotel for their guests who were coming from all over the world.
When we broke the news that it would be impossible to get a landscaper, gardener, pool guy, and possibly an electrician here in such short time after the storm, they did what any normal couple would do… They drove up that same afternoon and rounded up a group of friends, some of whom were a landscaper, a plumber and a carpenter… and quite literally cleaned the place up!
Nothing could stop these two from seeing their fiesta through. Clearing trees, cleaning the pool which was covered in debris and arranging all of the outdoor furniture that had been placed inside. They worked tirelessly to make their wedding happen and low and behold, the power came on the morning of the wedding!! Guests drove up, checked-in and would have absolutely never known that a Category 3 Hurricane had touched down on us. We were so impressed by these two love birds and their incredible group of friends and family. They said “I DO” on South Beach during sunset in an intimate ceremony and then danced the night away with a live band that played salsa all night long. Guests dined on delicious paella created by a Chef on a live cooking station.
This is the magic of South Beach Place…
*Thinking of getting married in Paradise? Contact us for info!