Guest Stories Revisited: Peggy Fischer's Florida Long Distance Bike Quest

In 2020, Peggy Fischer found South Beach Place by chance on AirBNB as she planned a 750-mile bike tour from her home in Delray Beach, FL to North Carolina. We couldn’t contain our curiosity when she arrived, and her visit became a blog post! Check it out here.
Peggy and her sister Susi at South Beach Place - Day 3 of the journey
Peggy returned to South Beach Place this year, this time with her sister Susi. Peggy told us Susi isn’t an avid long-distance biker like she is, but she managed to talk her into joining along for part of the adventure. Susi provided a quote for Peggy’s Facebook update about their Vero Beach visit:
Susi wanted to add to the post for today so here’s her contribution: “I’m hot….and my butt hurts!”
A relatable icon. Their friend Stephanie joined them for moral and vehicular support as they made their way to their next stop in Melbourne.
Image above and quote below from Peggy’s Facebook:
We’re staying at South Beach Place where Chris came to stay with me on my 2020 FL to NC bicycle journey. I loved the place so much that I wanted to be sure we timed our ride so that a stay in Vero Beach at the South Beach Place could be included for this time.
Peggy will end her 450-mile bike trip in St. Petersburg, FL. You can follow her updates, written in enchanting and inspiring prose on Facebook. We’re so grateful to be a part of this exciting experience! Ride on, Peggy!